Wednesday, August 23, 2006

i know..i'z been a long time. XP been busy n lazy. >.< typically mi. haha~ ^^
kinda finish all e prelim pratical today. wohoo~ nw iz to study 4 e theory le bah..faintin juz thinkin abt it.. T.T hope i can do it bah [??]

kinda lost hope in him..wat does he mean by wantin an underground de??not lettin everybidy know when e whole store know?? T.T he ask nth, he say naugh..hate dat..xiao siong iz correct bah..i have 2 start payin more attention. mayb even have 2 stay away from him?? really suck.. TT

thankz izzat!! lala~ i really did enjoy dat day bah..i "learn" new thingz [thing i should have known =P]
thankz 4 bein patient. i know i'm a slow learner >.< anyway, thankz 4 takin out ur time 2 help mi ^^ see?i'm updatin nw hor~ =P

finally get dat piercin i wan!! yeah~ not gonna say where. lalala~ *wink* it'z ok 4 e first week. but mayb iz coz i eat peanut [??] then got little bit infection. nw very very de pain >.< no like, no like. *sniffz* but since it'z wat i wan, i have to go through it. till it'z better. jiayou!!
it'z like i onli ask my mom,"can i get another piercin??e last 1??" on e night AFTER i've got it. lol. =X hehe~

lately, been havin somethin 4 butterfly. it'z juz..there..juz suddenly lor..lookie my nick, i didn't plan it. juz felt dat it sound right. n e pic. iz juz coincidence. thingz juz happen ^^ but butterfly are really beautiful. n also symetrical. how perfect can it be?? =D

been hooked onto e series by R.D.Robb [hope i get e spellin correct.. XP] it iz abt crime [mostly murder..] n eve, e main character, findin justice 4 e victimz. mayb wat i like iz e fast pace of e whole story, or it could be e sharp wit of eve bah?? i can only say i'm realli stuck on it. =D in some of e bookz, there'z some twist [emphasis "some"] while in 1, we, e reader, know who'z e killerz. but it'z how eve went abt findin evidence n suspectz dat'z fascinatin. mayb i'm e onli 1 who think so?? oh ya, e series iz feature in a future. kinda like 2050 something?? [i dun pay much attention 2 e date..] so when i first pick up 1 to read, i'm like tryin 2 decipher e whole list of words dat'z unseen. like LC, creditz, etc..

well..i have a hubby. =X no lah..iz girl lai de..nicole [new de..^^] i'm have a bad day mah..then when i get 2 store, face all black black de. then she suddenly joke abt she takin responsible 4 our child n start callin mi "lao po", i'm like, "hey, i dun mind wat..then she also not bad as a frean." tada~ new couple in store.
oh ya, u know??jack got galfrean liao. but it kinda cost him his best freanz. his frean like her, but she like jack. when jack know, he go ask her directly. so he say that btw him n his frean, e most iz say "hi" b4 movin on. damn sad.. ='( they are like childhood freanz lor..haiz.. but as long as they're'z good bah [??]

think i'll stop here le bah. ^^ until next time~