Saturday, July 31, 2010

31 July 2010

It was a waste of time to go work today T.T
Not much order coming in, that what I'm doing is tidying up what's leftover from the week. Feel so much relieve after doing parts of it.
Didn't manage to finish up all cause was listening to my team leader talking about what we should be doing etc etc. And just like that, half an hour gone =/ if I have nothing to rush, if I'm not feeling as if I might fall over anytime soon, I don't mind listening. I know she meant well, but.. Aiya, dunno lah >.<

Could be the lack of sleep and the damn bloody weather, think I'm down with a cold - running nose and sore throat. Sickening feeling, feels as if I might vomit up something too.. Hope the feeling will pass away after I've gotten enough rest bah =)

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