Wednesday, August 04, 2010

4 August 2010

Haha~ make a mistake last evening, which I only got to know just now. The wife of my colleague called, asking for him in his Chinese name, but I misheard, thought was looking for my boss who wasn't in. Of course I say not in the office right? But now the wife got 2 stories, so *ahem* got some misunderstanding LOL!! my whole office was laughing when I admit my mistake >.<
today was the last day of one of my colleagues. She was the same as me, a few months only? But I guess she couldn't stand the sales person she was working under - rude, loud, impatient, and I got the feeling he also didn't like her that much also.
It'll be my turn soon, when it's confirm I have a place in a Uni xP

Did I mentioned that I pass my virus to my brother? =x
I only had one sip from his drink lor, and he wasn't feeling well yesterday night. At least my sister is stronger lah xP
Hope he get well soon =x lalala~

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