What would be the most xin tong thing you would felt about if there's a fire in your house? (touchwood, i know)
for me, it's my books collection >.< guess it's something where i didnt lose my interest in and which lasted until nw. think it's influence from my mom, seeing that she has tons of chinese novels in her cabinet. (why i dont have one arh??!! *stare*) ok, anyway. i think i'll defintely try to rush back in and maybe salvage whatever i can. which is totally impossible, as people will defintely try to hold me back. another thing is that, it's like the amount invested in *shrug* 1 book is not cheap hor, at least $18, thou some might be cheaper coz i could have got it on sale =D given my salary i have then, books are like a once every 2 months things? not to forget i'm chasing comic at that time too =( not just one series hor *sniff* and there are also some books which i ordered online, and i dont think i can ever find them in sg bookstore. maybe kino lah, but ya, they dont have everythin also...
but of course the first thing i would worry about would be the well-fare of my family member. but after knowing everyone is safe, all the heart-ache would pour in *sob* hopefully it's something that aint gonna happen. ever.
i was rejected from both nus and ntu *sigh* thinking of appealing to try and see how bah. as Eric (my school's TSO) said, there will always be some people like me trying for 2 or more schools. and if they are better than me, of course one of their choices will accept them. once that happens, i might have a chance. a very heavy emphasis on might. the worse senerio would be my last option, getting into e private u. either mdis (?) or sim *sigh* just kinda seem that i have no 'yuan' with accounting. first in poly, nw this *shake head*
life jus suck when it's not going my way *pout*
been a long time since i have meet up wif everyone except my dear. wonder how's e rest doin? and by that, i mean everyone. since i have started workin (it's seems like forever already), lesser and lesser time are dedicated to my friends. and my parents are not helping matters too, given the meager allowance i got every month. please lor, i have to pay for my bill that time also de hor. by the time i've eaten by lunch for the whole week, i would have negative saving (if i'm not workin..) and the allowance in poly? not much of a diff. in the end, the money just seem to be somethin extra i can use T.T not something i can survive on.
i dunno whether i'm lucky coz i'm workin dat time, or i'm suay coz when my mom has the concept that since i'm workin, she doesnt need to give me much. and she still expect me to give her some money every month (which i refuse to do so, and act blur everythin she mentioned it) *sigh* but anythin i can agree is that she doesnt realli know how much it takes to eat outside *shake head* it's not the same as in the past, where $0.50 (or even lesser) can get you a big bowl of something..cant realli blame her since she have work in the society before >.<
p.s. nw i got try giving her some per month, not to say dun have...had a new temp admin job, thanks to serene's friend for introducing it to me. but got the feeling i kena cut veg head. coz i went through her agency, thus part of my salary would be deducted for their commision. heard from jh that it's like 50% of his total pay. so example if he's workin for $2/hr, the agent would be deducting $2 from each hr he's workin (if anyone get what i'm trying to say..). naturally i'm shock when i heard that, it's like.. O_O WTF!!! althou to say what i'm having is also kinda high nw (compared to the market rate, 5.5/hr if i'm not wrong), but i dun mind getting more =x
the staffs here are friendly so it's a relieve. and my company is kinda small, only having around 20 ppl workin on this level? and i get to know somethin, there're 2 NP students here!! woohoo~ *dance* e guy is the previous intern, but extend until he needs to go in for NS. the other girl is year 2010 1st intake for interns. damn cool lah, i tell you. at least got ppl around my age *beam*
and since i'm working at raffles place, there's quite a lot of things to eat around my area. from amoy street to lao pa sa, there's even the golden bridge and golden shoe. thou the golden shoe is kinda far. but ya, not scare nth to eat or too expensive. unlike my attachment where we have to take the shuttle bus out or walk to abc foodcourt >.< unless got transportation lah (which is rare), den different matter liao =x
been trying to take better care of my face, which means using sun screen, since i'm not as young anymore. and thinking of using
bb cream. have you all research abt it? it just seem to be the god of all facial product out there, except for makeup remover in my opinion, coz you have to use that to remove the cream whenever you're washing your face at night *laugh*
been wondering whether it's necessary for me to add it in my regime, and beside that, whether i'll continue using it until the whole tube is finish is another question *eye roll* so ya, still debating about it. and my mom is like, "up to you lor, if you want then you might think of getting this *point to My Paper 19/5 article*. Not bad, got oil control." *sigh*
still weighting the pros and cons of it. plus, i think ebay and some online auction from yahoo is selling the product cheaper then what you would actually get from watson/guardian (at least for what i'm thinking of getting..) must ponder more on this issue.
yes, the product is great, i might even say fabulous, looking at the way every girls and every review is raving over it. the problem is just me - whether i have the determination to use finish the whole bloody tube and not waste my money by stopping after a while *argh*
sometimes i just loath this part of personality of mine =(